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Monday, August 6, 2012, 09:04 AM

Employers Really Care

I just concluded a great meeting with a local employer who wants me to help form a partnership with Community Medical Foundation and work with their employee population to make regular contributions to the Medical Center.  What a GREAT example of corporate citizenship!  Not only are we talking about their employee population contributing via payroll deduction, but the company will then match every dollar 2-1!  So, if their employee gives $1.00, Community Medical Centers receives $3.00.  It is VERY cool and super generous.  This is awesome and renews my belief that n

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I just concluded a great meeting with a local employer who wants me to help form a partnership with Community Medical Foundation and work with their employee population to make regular contributions to the Medical Center.  What a GREAT example of corporate citizenship!  Not only are we talking about their employee population contributing via payroll deduction, but the company will then match every dollar 2-1!  So, if their employee gives $1.00, Community Medical Centers receives $3.00.  It is VERY cool and super generous.  This is awesome and renews my belief that not only do companies want to be successful in their work and community, but they CARE about their community – and Community.

Katie Zenovich, Executive Director
Community Medical Foundation


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