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Thursday, January 6, 2022, 10:43 AM

Create a home gym for around $100

Trying to get fit in 2022 but want to avoid going to the gym? Create your own home gym for about the price of a monthly coffeehouse habit.

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January is the perfect time to commit to a fitness routine — especially if you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to get in shape. But with COVID-19 still a danger, you may be reluctant to go to the gym.

Not to worry, says Tim Clark, manager of the Pete P. Peters Fitness Center. You can still achieve your fitness goals by creating a home gym for around $100 — or about how much you might spend monthly at your favorite coffeehouse.

It’s easy to find online deals

“Let’s say the average Starbucks fan spends about $4.50 a trip and rolls past the drive thru window on just weekdays — say, 22 times a month. That would come out to $99,” says Clark. He suggests that with some easy online shopping, you can find essential gym items that equal that amount, and will last you much longer than that fancy coffee drink.

Says Clark, “I made a quick shopping list of equipment that took me about five minutes to compile and price using a simple Google search.”

He suggests shopping around and comparing prices to get the best deal, but estimates you can find equipment at these prices:

Equipment Estimated Price
Stability ball $20
Set of resistance bands   $12
Resistance tubing   $10
Medicine ball  $20
(2) 10-lb. Kettlebells  $40
  Total: $102

This is just a sample of what you might want in a home gym. According to Clark, there are plenty of other inexpensive pieces of equipment you could add or substitute for things on this list, including:

Equipment Estimated Price
Jump rope   $12
Set of 10-lb. dumbbells $30-$35
Foam roller   $15-$20
Generic suspension trainer $40
Super bands $8-$25
Yoga mat $20

Another way to bring down the price? Check out your local used sporting goods stores.

A little research goes a long way

Clark advises that if you’ve never used this kind of equipment before, you’ll want to start with exercise videos on YouTube or other online sources to help with instruction and motivation. Some gym equipment even comes with either a DVD or a chart featuring exercises, and he suggests studying those before getting started. 

Safety is always the primary concern with any exercise program, so be sure to check with your doctor before starting a new one. Working out at home, when done correctly, can keep you both socially distanced and fit.

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