I got a call from the office where I did my mammogram. They told me I had cancer. And with those three little words, my world came falling down. I felt like I was going to die. In that moment, I had two options – give up or fight for my life.
I chose to fight, but the first cancer center I was referred to left me feeling like I was walking alone on a road with too many questions, not enough answers and no direction. And being from Kingsburg, I wasn’t really sure of what else was available in Fresno.
That all changed when I talked to a friend and moved my care to Community. It was night and day. They gave me so much more than medicine. They helped me understand what was happening to me and how my medical team was working together and how they would work with me to beat my cancer. It helped me break free from the fear of the unknown and it gave me hope.
And today, I am cancer free. It’s been a hard road, but I don’t know how I would have gotten through it without their support. I’ll always be thankful for my Community team.
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